• Question: what do you believe about dreams where people see the future and why people have them?

    Asked by lilbutcurious001 to Pip on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Philippa Bird

      Philippa Bird answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      Hmm, I think you pick up more from your surroundings that you yourself are aware of. Then, when you sleep, your mind sorts through it all and you see some of it as dreams. Then, when something actually happens, it feels like you predicted the future, but what you didn’t realise is that you saw it coming by subconsciously picking up the signs while awake. This can go for things in your own life and in the wider world. It’s a good sign if you have them, it means you can trust your instincts, because they also come from these subconscious observations!
