• Question: Have you ever heard of the stem cell treatment? I ask because my dad was the first person in the UK to have the operation, which helps to re-grow bones, and I would like to know how it works? Thanks.

    Asked by kentf002 to Mike, Pip, Tianfu, Tim, Tom on 29 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Tom Lister

      Tom Lister answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Stem cells are like blueprint cells. They can reproduce, and can also change into specialist cells. Stem cells produced in bone marrow are able to change into different types of blood cells (red/white etc).

      Stem cells from a foetus are different, as they can change into any type of cell. I think these are often used in stem cell treatment.

      I’m guessing that if you put the right sort of stem cells into somebody’s bone, it will give them the ability to regenerate more bone.

    • Photo: Tim Stephens

      Tim Stephens answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      I’ve heard of it, but Tom seems to know more about it that I do.
