• Question: Can you have a job were you work in a office but you also have to be sociable but you have a degree in some form of physics? And please could you list some examples

    Asked by djedi002 to Mike, Tim, Tom on 5 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Tim Stephens

      Tim Stephens answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      Yes, That’s almost my job!
      I’ve got a degree in Physics, I work in an office about half the time, in the lab about 3/8 of the time and travel 1/8th of the time. In the office, I’m constantly speaking with customers, suppliers and colleagues.

      My colleagues who are sales people spend their whole time speaking to new people and trying to help them solve their problems — technical sales is not like the salespeople who try to sell you a mobile phone: it’s a lot more about understanding and solving problems, and the process can take months.

      Working in an office isn’t necessarily anti-social – you often need to work as part of a team to get your job done, and lots of that involves being social.

    • Photo: Tom Lister

      Tom Lister answered on 5 Jul 2012:

      I do most of my work in an office, but I need to have good social skills to interact with patients, teach doctors and get along with the people I work with.

      I can’t imagine many jobs outside of a university where this wouldn’t be the case
